Practical Insights for Increased Peace, Resilience, Joy & Wellness |
Featured Speakers
(click photo to learn more)
Pamela Miles
Kathleen Prasad
Colleen Benelli
Robyn Benelli
Phillip Hawkins
Ann Baldwin
Kathleen Johnson
Justine Melton
Kate Jones
Richard Ellis
Dr. Beena Rani Goel
Deborah Flanagan
Nicholas Harris
Teri Van Horn
Elaine Grundy
Deborah Lloyd
Lisa Powers
Walter Lubeck
Deb Karpek
Karen Harrison
Patti Deschaine
Dawn Fleming
Tammy Hatherill
Elise Brenner
Dr Karen Janes
Paula Vanderzon
Haripriya Suraj
Tiffany Hunter
Alice Langholt
Marsha Drozdoff
Joao Antao Marques
Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD
Kerry Blank
Darshan Bafna
Marla Mervis
Rinku Patel
Your Hosts |
Angie Webster
Ashwita Goel
We all have the power to restore balance and peace within us.
Reiki helps us to discover that.
Modern life teaches us to hurry and multitask and is often very stressful. Many of us never know that our bodies and minds naturally seek balance, wellness, and resilience. Yet this ability is built into us from birth.
Reiki can help you learn to more readily access this state of balance and return to it more easily during life’s ups and downs, helping you to gain better clarity, wellness, and calm.
Reiki is a spiritual practice and healing modality which promotes deep states of relaxation and peace. From these restorative states, the body and mind can find their natural states of balance and let go of tension, stress, and pain.
Even unconscious patterns of self-defeating behavior, which may contribute to problems in our relationships, finances, work and health, may begin to dissolve as Reiki helps us to deeply access restful states of peace.
Regular Reiki practice increases our resilience and our ability to respond to life in a healthy manner. This often reduces illness, improves how we cope with difficult times, and increases our overall sense of well-being.
• Learn how Reiki affects the body and mind
• Learn why Reiki helps to promote greater health and wellness, from a medical standpoint
• Hear research that supports Reiki as a practice and a healing modality for greater wellness and improved health
Reiki is a powerful personal spiritual practice that enriches our lives in every way. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
• Learn how to deepen your Reiki practice
• Learn the importance of daily self-Reiki and get support if you are struggling
• Learn why Reiki is a personal spiritual practice, first and foremost
Reiki practice can also be shared with others, as a healing modality. Friends, family, and animals all benefit from Reiki as it also activates feelings of deep peace within them.
• Learn how Reiki works with animals and how this is different than sharing Reiki with people
• Learn different methods of working with and sharing Reiki
Reiki can even be shared from great distances! Both people and animals feel great peace and benefit from distant Reiki.
• Learn more about how distant Reiki works and how to discuss that with others
Many become so committed to Reiki practice that they decide to make it a full- time holistic healing business, teaching Reiki and sharing this beautiful practice with the public.
• If you feel called to spread the joy of Reiki, learn how to build your business.
• Learn how to effectively talk about Reiki with others
Learn how this beautiful tool can support you, no matter what other tools and modalities you already work with.
• Reiki works well with any other healing modality, including Western medicine and other holistic health practices or spiritual practices
• Hear from several healthcare professionals and seasoned researchers in the medical field about the ways that Reiki supports us and helps us to heal and find greater mental and emotional peace
• Learn about other modalities that Reiki can be combined with, such as aromatherapy, flower essences, reflexology, crystals, ceremonial work, and elemental healing
Reiki is not a religion. Rather it is a supportive spiritual practice. Reiki can be used alongside other spiritual practices or religions, just as yoga, meditation, or contemplative prayer can be.
• Learn how Reiki can support ceremonies such as weddings, funerals, baby blessings, and in our practices of gratitude and letting go of the past
• Discover how Reiki can strengthen and renew your current spiritual support system
• Learn how Reiki can improve your current meditation practice
• Hear how Reiki and the Angels often work together
Reiki empowers us in our own wellness and inner peace. In times of illness, difficulty, or loss, it gives us a sense of our own role in our lives and in our wellness. It enables us to do something for ourselves at times when we might otherwise feel hopeless and lost.
• Healthcare professionals share the important role that Reiki can play in the wellness of patients, including giving them a renewed sense of empowerment, peace, and well-being.
Reiki supports our lives in so many ways!
• Increased peace of mind
• Greater spiritual growth
• Increased feelings of connection to each other, the Earth & the Divine or our Higher Self
• Greater wellness in body, mind, and spirit
• Increased feelings of love, compassion, and gratitude toward self and others
• Shedding of repeating self-limiting beliefs and behaviors
Whether you are curious about Reiki, new to Reiki, or a seasoned Reiki practitioner who wants to deepen your practice, expand your understanding or grow your Reiki business, our summit guest speakers will inspire you and support your journey!
Our guests represent a diverse range of experts, topics, and insight into Reiki practice. From Animal Reiki, Angels, meditation, and crystals to Reiki research, Reiki in healthcare, speaking about Reiki to the public and building a Reiki business, you will find it all here!
Each of our guest speakers is a leader in Reiki, with a depth of practice and many years of experience in their specific area of study and expertise. They understand their topic personally because they have lived it and they are eager to share their knowledge with you!
Listen as our speakers help you!
• Truly understand what Reiki is and what it does, as well as what to expect from it
• Renew your relationship with yourself and your Reiki practice
• Clarify how to discuss Reiki in a way that is helpful and can be understood
• Practice in a way that truly supports yourself and others
• Give you pointers in building a Reiki business
Here are a few of the things you can expect from our amazing speakers…
Kathleen Prasad
Animal Reiki expert Kathleen Prasad explains how Animal Reiki is different from Reiki with people and why our approach matters to us and the animals we work with.
Phillip Hawkins
Phillip Hawkins shows us how Reiki is a tool for personal growth and development, which can bring down walls, open us to new possibilities, and help us shed limiting behaviors and thought patterns.
Rinku Patel
Rinku Patel shares amazing insights about crystals and how we can harness their magical power to enhance the healing process, to augment the power of the Reiki life force energy.
Justine Melton
Justine Melton gives us an amazing gift--permission to be imperfect and human. She shows us how Reiki teaches us self-love and self-acceptance, giving us a platform for healing.
Colleen & Robyn Benelli
Colleen & Robyn Benelli offer wonderful insights into using Reiki to enhance the use of ceremony in our lives—and some tips on weaving Reiki into beautiful new healing ceremonies.
Dr. Karen Janes
Dr. Karen Janes shares her extensive experience with Reiki as a healthcare professional. She explains why Reiki can be very supportive for both the healthcare provider and the patient, as well as how to discuss Reiki in a healthcare setting.
Dr. Ann Baldwin
Dr. Ann Baldwin’s decades of experience as a researcher have led her to extensively study Reiki and its effects. Listen as she shares her findings on Reiki from a scientific perspective.
Dawn Fleming
Dawn Fleming has wise and practical advice for those who are passionate about Reiki practice and want to make it their livelihood. Learn how she created a thriving Reiki business.
Karen Harrison
Karen Harrison teaches us many helpful tools for empaths to employ for clearing and protecting their energy.
Deborah Lloyd
Deborah Lloyd shares her history of working with the Angelic realm and how they have helped her in her Reiki practice.
Other topics include:
• Community Outreach & Speaking about Reiki to the Public
• Crystals
• Distant Reiki
• Meditation & Reiki
• Deepening your Reiki Practice
• Connecting with the Body
• Energetic Protection
Your hosts, Angie Webster and Ashwita Goel will guide you through this amazing event as you learn how Reiki can support all areas of your life, bringing peace, wellness, and balance.
Come deepen your journey with us!
Here's the session schedule for the Summit:
Day 1
Pamela Miles - Reiki and Healthcare
Kathleen Prasad - Animal Reiki
Richard Ellis - Your Body Never Lies
Colleen Benelli and Robyn Benelli - Officiate Ceremonies with Reiki
Deb Karpek - Reiki Business
Dawn Fleming - Reiki Business
Day 2
Ashwita Goel - Healing through the Elements
Elaine Grundy - Deepening your Reiki Practice
Darshan Bafna - The Principles of Reiki in Modern Day Living
Kerry Blank - Reiki and Aromatherapy
Rinku Patel - Crystals and Reiki
Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD - The Rise of Narcissists and Emotional Vampires - Protecting and Healing ourselves with Reiki
Day 3
Patti Deschaine - Animal Reiki
Walter Lübeck - Reiki and Meditation
Phillip Hawkins - Reiki Personal Development
Justine Melton - Reiki and Self Love
Marla Mervis-Hartmann - Reiki and Weight Balance and Positive Body Image
Alice Langholt - Manifesting Made Simple
Day 4
Angie Webster - Reiki and Earth Energies
Lisa Powers - Deepening Your Reiki Practice
Dr Karen Janes - Reiki and Healthcare
Haripriya Suraj - Angels and Reiki
Deborah Lloyd - Angels and Reiki
Kathleen Johnson - Distant Reiki
Day 5
Elise Brenner - Reiki Outreach
Kate Jones - Reiki and Healthcare
Nicholas Harris - The Power of Consciousness for Healing
Beena Rani Goel - Reiki and Healthcare
João Antão Marques - Distant Reiki
Paula Vanderzon - Deepening your Reiki Practice
Day 6
Deborah Flanagan - Reiki Business
Ann Baldwin - Reiki and Healthcare
Marsha R. Drozdoff - Reiki and Healthcare - Reiki in Cancer Care
Teri Van Horn - Psychic Protection
Karen Harrison - Reiki for Empaths
Tiffany Hunter - Clearance of Abuse and Emotional Blocks with Reiki
Tammy Hatherill - Deepening your Reiki Practice
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